PART 2: In this follow up of Marjoleins first successful book on animal painting called (cover shows a cat), she goes deeper in the matter of creating animal art. With over 230 new drawings and paintings she demonstrates what you need to do to make an animalpainting come to life. Compared to her first book, she answers specific questions on technical issues in oil, pastel, watercolor, acrylic and pencil, enhanced theories on compositions, anothomy, painting fur, feathers and eyes. What makes this book unique is Marjolein personal guidance, presenting four rescue-lists and tips. That makes this book the perfect personal coach in creating your own unique animal artwork: How do you enhance your artistic handwriting? how do you prevent getting stuck in your painting? How do you keep your inspiration going? With new exercises she teaches you to observe subjects better. Marjolein guides you through the whole process of making successful paintings.
1st print dec 2014, Publisher Edicola, ISBN 9789491172779
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PART 1 of this series is available in ENGLISH! Buy it here.