Marjolein Kruijt was born in 1976. She received her degree in arts from the Royal Art Academy in the Hague (1999) and her art teachers degree in Amsterdam, HvA (1997). Since then she works as full time artist in her studio in Amersfoort in the Netherlands, with much success. Marjolein is specialized in nature and animal art. Her personal development in the last twenty years, p.e. in animal communication and intuitive development, grows simultaneously in her art. Deepening her inspiration and connection with her subjects. Until 2014 Marjolein wrote instructional articles for fourteen years for dutch art magazine Atelier. In that same period she made many pet portraits and murals in commission, and ‘free’ series of mystical landscape paintings. See archive. In 2001 Marjolein made her first television appearance on RTL4 (biggest dutch tv channel). Now, several tv appearances later, her artwork is greatly in demand since, finding her paintings in collections all over the world: in Oman, Sweden, Belgium, England, France, USA and Australia. Marjolein Kruijts art is regularly published in various (inter)national art-magazines. Also, Two books of her arts have been published, of which one is translated into english. Till 2017 each year an art-diary with new artwork was published. Now she focusses more on developing her spiritual animal art, illustrating oracle card decks and enjoying the continuous portrait commissions.

Marjolein lives her passion for nature and animals from childhood. Portraiting them has always been a part of her development during her art college, painting en plein air on her travels, and painting in zoo’s. The connection with her subjects grow deeper with paintings she creates, along her intuitive growth. Working from the heart gives depth in her commissioned pet portraits, aiming beyond a photographic appearance of the animals. She never paints directly from reference material, because she beliefs each painting has to start of and grow from inspiration. Inspired my meeting animals in the wild or elsewhere, she creates ‘stories’ around them. Marjolein calls it her ‘philosophical pondering’. Some are told in the title of the paintings, others remain in the head of the artist, hoping it gives the painting a certain ‘mystique’ sense for the viewer to unravel. This way each painting tells it own unique story. Which brings the artwork beyond simple figuration of the animal. Other sources of inspiration she finds in the old knowledge of animal symbolism, her Celtic roots and going on mystical nature journeys. Working en plein air as much as possible.

Portraits: Marjolein is a dedicated petportraitist. Working in commission over 18 years. She feels honored to make such personalised paintings, getting so close to the hearts of her clients. Which animals get closer to us, than our dogs, cats, horses or any other pet? Many of Marjolein pet paintings are bought as a ‘living memory’, as her specialty is to bring life into each painting. Many of her customers experience that a part of their pet has come back. Which gives them much comfort. Marjolein finds it a loving and grateful profession.
Workshops: not often, but up to two times a year, Marjolein gives a workshop, masterclass or art-coachclass. If you wish to attain, contact her through the ‘contact’ button. Note: the workshops are in Amersfoort, The Netherlands.
2021 Release of ‘the Magic of the unicorns oracle deck’. Marjolein illustrated all the cards and cover. Author Diana Cooper, by HayHouseUK. View them here.
2020 the whole year she paints for a new 2nd Oracle deck Diana Cooper / Hayhouse will release in 2021. Also her petportraiture in commission continues.
COVER: A detail of Marjoleins ‘free’ unicorn painting is featured on the cover of Diana Coopers new book ‘Magic of the Unicorns’.
2019 Release “Archangel Animal Oracle Cards 44-card deck“, with Marjolein Kruijts artwork. Written by Diana Cooper. Publisher HayHouse UK. Get your copy here!
2017 Working a full year for the Archangel animal oracle cards by author Diana Cooper. Marjolein made 46 paintings including cover & backside cards. Release early 2019.
2017 BOOK ‘Drawing and painting animals with expression‘ (part 1). Marjolein Kruijts first book is translated into english.
2017 < 2011: National DIARY with Marjoleins wildlife-art titled: ‘natuur agenda Marjolein Kruijt’. This diary was published each year with new weekly art and available in dutch and belgium bookstores.
2016: BOOK ‘Dieren tekenen en schilderen met Marjolein Kruijt‘ (part 1) . goes into 5th print. This jubilee- edtion is partially rewritten, shows extra chapters and two new demonstrations. (‘transl. Painting and drawing Animals with expression‘-3rd print version)
2015: BOOK ‘Inspirerend dieren tekenen en schilderen‘ met Marjolein Kruijt (part2).’Painting and drawing Animals II’
2010: BOOK ‘Dieren tekenen en schilderen met Marjolein Kruijt‘ (part 1) . 5th print. (‘transl. Painting and drawing Animals with expression‘)
2007: Commissioned painting for the Sultan van Oman. The painting hangs in his new palace.
2007: A large catpainting by Marjolein, signed by the dutch cast of musical Cats, is auctioned in benefit for the Animal protection Soc.Amsterdam.
2006: Together with Dutch Princess Irene van Lippe-Biesterveld and World champion horse rider Anky van Grunsven, Marjolein has been ambassador for a dutch rescue a dogfoundation untill this year.
2005: TV appearance on TVWest (dutch) Show called “Vernis”. Marjolein talks about her vision on nature and works live on drawings of trees in a park.
2004: Dutch catfood brand Gourmet Gold. Marjolein Kruijt made 30 portraits for the winners of a contest.
2003: TV appearance (dutch) RTL4 program “Dier enzo!”. Marjolein paints live a dog in pastel, a golden retriever of presenter Mike Starin.
2001: TV appearance (dutch) RTL4 program ‘Spott’ by Viola Holt.
Marjolein demonstrates her mural making skills.