In general
Marjolein Kruijt: M.Kruijt, grands the webvisitor permission to consult, read and view www.marjoleinkruijt.nl (including her alias website addresses) and her published texts, images, information and other products. M.Kruijt reserves the right to change the content of the website or remove products or information without knowledge of other parties. The information found on this website is informal, without obligations and does not intent an immediate agreement.
Limited responsibility
We take greatest care of all information, text and images on marjoleinkruijt.nl. We aim to keep the site up-to-date as much as possible. We cannot guarantee that this website/webshop will be free from typos, specifications error, errors in prices, fault in measurements, images to be correct or any other erroneous content. We cannot guarantee that all products that appear on the site or in the webshop are in stock or even for sale. You will be notified however this is the case by email as soon as we received your order.
We cannot guarantee that an image on the site/webshop accurately reflects a product’s actual colors or size. Depending on your computer or monitor settings, colors may vary.
We reserve the right to deny any purchases at our own discretion.
Products and their description may be modified by us without announcement.
Copyright and social media
The images, designs of drawings and paintings, publications and text on this website are property of M.Kruijt, therefor copyright protected and may not be downloaded, reproduced or republished in any way without prior written consent of M.Kruijt. In case you wish to use images in any way, email us first at info@marjoleinkruijt.nl or contact www.pictoright.nl, a dutch firm protecting artists copyrights.
Note: Artists who copy M.Kruijt ideas (interlectual property) is also violation of copyright and is NOT allowed in any way.
Sharing images from this website on social media (p.e. Pinterest/Facebook/Tumblr) is allowed but restricted to certain restrictions and intent: the sharer explicitly mentions the source of the information, the website link www.marjoleinkruijt.nl or www.marjoleinkruijt.com and the artists name M.Kruijt. By doing so the sharer supports M.Kruijts carreer by free publicity and respects her property (copyright) at the same time. Note: ‘Sharing’ on social media does not implicate loss of copyright of the artist M.Kruijt in any way. In case misuse is noted of M.Kruijt property, or violation of copyright, the person in question will be notified and request to alter, delete or withdraw the information. If needed an addition authority will be asked to handle the situation; Pictoright.nl.
Information of this disclaimer will alter from time to time.
Read also: terms and conditions